Variables: Colors
All color combinations should adhere to the WCAG 2.0 AA standard.
Base color variables
AA contrast:
--au-gray-700 or higher
Gray color variables
AA contrast:
--au-gray-700 or higher -
AA contrast:
--au-gray-900 or higher -
AA contrast:
--au-gray-900 or higher -
AA contrast:
non-textual elements only -
AA contrast:
--au-gray-100 or lower -
AA contrast:
--au-gray-100 or lower -
AA contrast:
--au-gray-100 or lower
Blue color variables
AA contrast:
--au-blue-700 or higher -
AA contrast:
--au-blue-900 or higher -
AA contrast:
non-textual elements only -
AA contrast:
--au-blue-100 or lower -
AA contrast:
--au-blue-100 or lower
Yellow color variables
AA contrast:
non-textual elements only
Orange color variables
AA contrast:
--au-orange-700 or higher -
AA contrast:
--au-orange-700 or higher -
AA contrast:
--au-gray-900 or higher -
AA contrast:
non-textual elements only -
AA contrast:
non-textual elements only -
AA contrast:
--au-orange-100 or lower
Red color variables
AA contrast:
--au-red-700 or higher -
AA contrast:
--au-red-700 or higher -
AA contrast:
--au-red-900 or higher -
AA contrast:
--au-red-100 or lower -
AA contrast:
--au-red-100 or lower
Green color variables
AA contrast:
--au-green-700 or higher -
AA contrast:
--au-gray-900 or higher -
AA contrast:
--au-gray-900 or higher -
AA contrast:
non-textual elements only -
AA contrast:
--au-green-100 or lower
VL secondary color variables
AA contrast:
non-textual elements only -
AA contrast:
non-textual elements only -
AA contrast:
--au-gray-100 or lower -
AA contrast:
--au-gray-100 or lower -
AA contrast:
non-textual elements only -
AA contrast:
--au-gray-100 or lower -
AA contrast:
non-textual elements only -
AA contrast:
--au-gray-100 or lower